COURT WEBSITE: https://chester-ny.gov/town-departments/justice-court/
OVERVIEW: Judges Janet Haislip and Sharon Worthy-Spiegl do a nice job of meting out justice and being pleasant to work with. There tend to be a lot of people here on the misdemeanor court dates (usually the first Monday of the month), so be prepared to bring something to read if you come by yourself. Attorneys, as usual, are called first.
ATTORNEY CHARGE FOR COURT: $250, and you don’t have to come if you sign an authorization allowing me to represent you.
Steve Cobb, Esq., has his office in Newburgh, New York, and he can advise you and represent you in traffic and criminal cases in the courts of Orange County, including Town of Chester Court.
To arrange an initial consultation, please call (845) 247-5464, or visit us at our Newburgh office.