COURT WEBSITE: http://www.townofmontgomery.com/Departments-Boards/Departments/Justice-Court
COMMENTARY: A pleasant court with not enough seating for attorneys. Traffic matters are handled by a special prosecutor, who usually goes easy on people. Judge Gorss is amiable but insists that traffic ticket cases be handled with a personal appearance by the defendant, which reduces the benefits of hiring an attorney.
ATTORNEY CHARGE FOR COURT: $200, and you can count on coming, unless you don’t have a driver’s license, in which case an authorization will be fine.
Steve Cobb, Esq., has his office in Newburgh, New York, and he can advise you and represent you in traffic and criminal cases in the courts of Orange and Dutchess County, including Montgomery Town Court.
To arrange an initial consultation, please call (845) 247-5464, or visit us at our Newburgh office.